What type of listening vessel am I?

This summer as I was listening to one of my children express their emotional and physical pain, I found myself listening with great care and love but also with tremendous worry and anguish. Was I listening well?
Did my listening help? Looking back at that moment, I realized that I was actually reflecting their anxieties and fears as well as mine. Simply put, I was adding my own worry to theirs, and thus increased the load they were carrying. Had I received and placed them onto a pile of soft down feathers, reflecting trust and hope, my listening would have brought more peace and comfort.
A listening vessel receives. How do I receive what I hear? Am I an open or closed vessel? Large or small? Am I a porous vessel where the words go through without so much as leaving a trace? Am I a working vessel coming up with answers and “fixes” before the last sentence has even been shared? Am I a weaponized vessel rising my sword and preparing my offensive while the words are still being delivered? I have been all those vessels, and I have to ask myself what type of vessel I want to be. How do I want to receive what is being shared? How can I be fully present, not just quiet, as Krista Tippett justly points out.
To learn to listen better please refer to our “sounds listening practice” which works out our listening muscle.
This is amazing – to be able see listening in this way – What type of vessel am I
Absolutely! Thank you for reading 🙂